Project UrbanCore : URS21 Chung Shan Creative Hub


Close to Taipei MRT Shuanglian Station, URS21 Chung Shan Creative Hub was a distribution center for the state-owned Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Cooperation from 1972 to 2002, witnessing the development and abolishment of the tobacco and liquor monopoly system in Taiwan. Until 2011, JUT foundation received three-year management rights through Urban Regeneration Station (URS) Program run by Taipei City's Urban Redevelopment Office and transformed this site into a platform full of creativities and experiments.

URS21 Chung Shan Creative Hub is a three-story and boomerang-shaped cement building with two spacious outside squares. Three exhibition spaces with different sizes and one café are set on first and second floor, constantly holding artistic, architectural and design exhibitions and workshops for public. Third floor is renovated as designer studios with affordable rent and thirteen selected teams reside in. Moreover, in order to enhance the connections with neighborhood and encourage more young people to visit this old district, various activities, outdoor performance and markets are taken place frequently. This is a hub built for rebirth – starting a new dialogue with community, drawing design energy into city corner, and, more importantly, stimulating all kinds of networks and possibilities in cultural and creative industry.

Duration : 2011.09 – 2014.06
Location: No. 21, Sec.1, Minsheng E. Rd., Zhongshan Distirct, Taipei City
Resident Groups: MOT/KITCHEN Light, Afterrain Design Studio, a.m ideas, Qiao Design Studio, gearlab design, HAN Gallery + PiliWu-Design, KEV Design Studio, Studio if, 305-Lab, YHHY, ESD + Think Archi Studio, HIS MAJESTY, Taiwan Designers' Web, Taipei Youth Art Center


2011-2014 Chung Shan Creative Hub introduction movie


中山創意基地URS21 昔日照片
中山創意基地URS21 現況




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